School lunch boxes need to provide good nutrition to the school child, at the same time, you may not have so much time to prepare them as you are trying to get out the door and to work yourself.
Those below are snapshots of the lunch boxes I prepare for my daughter last year, now the two are going to school, so I have uploaded a few more photos, they have different tastes. My kids like a lot of raw vegetables (but not all, one loves brussel sprouts and beans, the other is all about carrots). And tastes change over time, it is not hard to adapt. Use those photos as a guide. Increase the quantity if your child needs more food.
My rules:
- no chips
- no soft drink (they are packed with sugar)
- Nutricious food
- Fruits and/or vegetables
- a dairy if possible
- Something a bit consistent like a sandwich, roll, pasta
- A little special thing: a piece of cake, two square of good quality chocolate, etc
You may see the same item for successive boxes, this matches a grocery shop event or a batch of cakes made over the weekend, sliced and frozen.
Avocado, corn, salami sandwich, slice of chocolate marble cake, apple
Radishes, apple, plums, cherry tomatoes, salami sandwich, slice of chocolate marble cake, probiotic cultured drink
Apple, plums, beans, mortadelle roll, slice of chocolate marble cake, probiotic cultured drink, kiwi, plums
Cherry tomatoes, half avocado (you would have put a drop of lemon on the cut), a few olives, a piece of brownie, probiotic cultured drink, a mandarine, in the paper towel is a slice of bread with melted cheese.
Beans, cheese melt on bread, Brussel sprout, cherry tomatoes, mandarine, piece of tarte fine (left over), pomegranate seeds.
Apple, wrap with avo and slice of mortadella, slice of banana bread, cheese stick, cherry tomatoes
Green olives, banana bread, wrap, apple, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, probiotic culture drink
Banana, piece of brownie, saucisson, sandwich, probiotic culture drink, mandarine
Slice of banana bread, olives, chestnuts (roasted and peeled), tomatoes, Brussel sprout, wrap, mandarine, cheese stick
Apple, wrap with vegemite, avocado and mortadella, cherry tomatoes, sultanas & chocolate square, cheese, plum, carrot
Muffin (ricotta raspberry muffin) , carrot, sandwich (avo, ham), bruxelles sprouts (raw), nectarie, fig
Wrap (saussage left over with ketchup sauce), cheese, apple, carrot, cherry tomatoes, sultanas & chocolate square
Ricotta, honey, walnut and orange muffin, sandwich (avocado, vegemite, ham), cherry tomatoes, plum, carrot, nectarine, brocolini (steamed, left over)