Coddler eggs for breakfast is another child friendly recipe.  This is all about the fun of  little vessel called “coddlers” used to cook eggs.  Coddlers are, traditionally, English porcelain egg cups with a metal lead.  Very Britishsh! Egg coddlers have been used in England since the 1800s. The original name for an egg coddler was pipkin. My sister sent me a microwave version of them for a recent Christmas, what a great find! The advantage of the microwave version is the cooking time, it cooks in 30 seconds whereas the ceramics ones are cooked in a bain marie, this takes for ages!

All you need to do is:
- Crack open the egg and gently put in the coddler
- Add salt, a teaspoon of cream, pepper if you want. Â You can add many more things like cheese, spices, …
- Close the lid
- Place in the microwave for 30 seconds (this will depend on your microwave and requires a bit of trial and error)
- That is it! Bip! Ready!