Solstice festival on Scotland Island

Scotland Island

Solstice Festical

This weekend, the local kindy organised their annual solstice festival.  This year it was really quite large and started at 10 am with breakfast food till night fall at 5 pm with a lantern parade made by children during the day.   There were many local bands playing all day and  a number of stalls to browse through by local creative people and other community members.

Scotland Island

My first stall

I had a stall where I intended to sell a number of the ceramics pots I have in boxes (I have more than we need at home).  Thinking that ceramics was not on its own representative of who I am, I completed the stall with a good baking of bread, biscuits, croissants and cakes.

In the end, I sold a few ceramic pieces (plenty left if you are local and want to go through for a gift or for yourself) and all breads and cakes!

Cakes , biscuits and recipes

Chocolate chip cookies

This chocolate chip cookies are a family favourite, can’t go wrong. This time, Ambrine made them and opted for milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate.



At home, this is another classic. Madeleines are quick to make, simple and small in size.  A little zest of lemon adds a little zing!


I called it the “chocolate brownie cake”, this is the Gateau de Suzy

The Gateau de Suzy is another simple recipe. The only step that must be done carefully is beating the eggs and sugar until very fluffy, with a food processor this is simple, by hand this is just a little more tiring !

brownie cake

brownie cake
Almost gone!

The hazelnut chocolate torte

This is a new one in my collection. I have now uploaded the recipe. Yummy! It is a more technical, no denying it but not so hard that you should not try. Follow the recipe to the letter!  By the way, it is gluten free.

gluten free chocolate hazelnut

The croissants

Only a photo, no recipe at this stage, I am still in the learning stage.


croissantsThe sourdough baguettes

They found a new home reasonably quick. One was bought by a child who ate most of it straight away!  Their recipe is HERE.

And what else?

Moss balls! With local plants. Bringing the rainforest to your house.

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