Sydney Bakeries – Part 2

Sydney bakeries part 2 (of 2 for now) is ready for you! Last week, I posted on recipes tried from Bourke St Bakery, essentially from one of their book. This week, it is about another bakery I have discovered at the Orange Grove Market . I am speaking about Flour and Stone. What I like about this bakery is the home feeling, the products look beautiful and somehow rustic at the same time.  The other reason I like them, is that I have been making some of the same products at home, same same!

The recipes I am providing are mine.  I have not consulted the Flour and Stone’s recipes (yet), only googled quickly to check if some were online.  If you are after some of their recipes, there are a few on the web (google Flour and Stone or Nadine Ingram).

The recipe I am not giving, I would have to work it out to do so, is the one for this yummy lemon curd doughnut pictured above.  Really nice!

Tarte fine aux pommes (apple tarte fine)

This is a traditional French tarte, most often found in bakeries.  The tarte consists of puff pastry, apples, butter and sugar.  My full recipe is HERE.

apple tarte fine




The next recipe is a bit of a mouthful, hang on:

Raspberry and buttermilk flourless chocolate cake

The name says it all, it is a moist chocolate cake (addictive actually!), it uses buttermilk and almond meals and with the raspberries, it is simply irresistible!

You can make it as a large cake or in individual portions (which is great to!).  I made that cake up (and wrote the proportions down) about 8 years ago! I remember because it became the favourite after diner snack of a Swedish flatmate at the time, when she left, she specifically asked for the recipe (which I gave her). The recipe is HERE.

raspberry and chocolate flourless




Flourless raspberry, almond and chocolate cake

The recipe for this flourless raspberry, almond and chocolate cake was created out of a test I did one night some eight years ago.  I had completely forgotten about it, until I visited the Orange Grove market a year ago where the same cakes in individual portions are sold.

When I first made this cake, we lived in Bondi Beach.  I remember because it became the favourite after diner snack of a Swedish flatmate at the time, when she left, she specifically asked for the recipe (which I gave her).

Now, more important for some of you, this cake has no flour! If you run out of almond meal as happens to me from time to time, you can swap for hazelnut meal, I tried, it works!


Makes a 20 cm ring cake.

  • 40 g butter
  • 2 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 100 g dark cooking chocolate
  • 1/2 cup of buttermilk
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g of caster sugar
  • 75 g of almond meal
  • 1 cup of frozen raspberries


  1. Preheat oven to 160°C, line the bottom of a 20 cm diameter (or close to 20 cm) circular tin.
  2. Melt the chocolate and butter together.
  3. Add one after the other one, mixing well in between: the sugar, cocoa powder, and buttermilk.
  4. Now, add the egg yolks one at the time keeping the eggwhites in a separate bowl.
  5. Add the almond meal.
  6. Beat the egg white to snow and gently fold in.
  7. Pour the batter in the tin and spread delicately the raspberries on top.
  8. Bake until the centre is settled (no longer wobbly).For the baking the key is to cook slowly to prevent burning.
  9. Remove from the oven and allow to cool down completely before removing the cake from the tin.
  10. Ice with icing sugar.

raspberry chocolate buttermilk