Busy in the kitchen

Today, and yesterday to some extent, has been a busy day in the kitchen. I don’t mind, I like it and the weekend is when I find the time to cook. 🙂  There has been the cooking of meals including desserts (of course) but also a few extras.  Here is the list if you want to check out some of the recipes I have added to this site:

  • A batch of puff pastry to cut in portions and freeze for later use.
  • Some raspberry jam.  So good on fresh bread! There are a few places where you can get frozen berries at a reasonable price, I made raspberry jam using 2 kg of fruits.My jam stores were running a bit low, a bit of apricot left, some strawberry jam, some red-current jam and  maybe some apple jelly. You will notice the labels, love them! That even deserves its own photo:
jam label
Fabienne’s homemade jam
  • 2 batches of bread.  If you were already reading this blog when I published the bread post, you will know that I make sourdough bread.  I prepare two breads at the time.  I baked a serie on Saturday morning, that was the delicious walnut, pepitas and cranberries one! I gave one away, which means we should be running out of bread tomorrow. So I have two breads freshly shaped doing their last rise in the fridge overnight.
  • A peach crostata.  I used a recipe found on the internet for the pastry, something was really wrong with that recipe (butter ratio about same as flour). I worked it out of course but I do not have the quantities, so will be doing more of those and posting something later.
  • A salmon tail bake
  • A pear and chocolate flan (or pudding if you are irresistibly English). By the way, did you notice?  The first pears of the new season have arrived.

The last two on this list were tonight’s diner, the fish was served with streamed broccoli and a side salad (lettuce).

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