Pain perdu

brioche pain perdu breakfast

Pain perdu means “lost bread” in French.  In France, it is traditionally done with bread from the day before and often served as a dessert.  This is a way not to waste bread as families would buy fresh bread each day.  In Australia, we follow the American trend of doing pain perdu as a breakfast staple.  This recipe uses pre-cut commercial brioche which I buy from time to time.

Count one slice per person, two for bigger eaters.  I like to add yoghurt and fruits.  I do not necessarily add sugar over the pain perdu as the brioche is already quite sweet.  If you do it with left-over bread, adding brown sugar, honey or maple syrup is then quite justified.

brioche pain perdu breakfast


For 5 slices

  • 5 slices of brioche
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup of mil
  • a nut of butter
  1. Beat the eggs and milk together in a large bowl
  2. Heat up a nut of butter in a non-stick pan.  When melted reduce the heat to 2/3 of full power.
  3. Take a slice of brioche, place it in the egg mixture (for 5 seconds) if the top of the slide was not submerged turn over and repeat, then transfer to the fry-pan.  You may be able to fit 2 or 3 slices in the pan.
  1. After 30 seconds to 1 minute (depending on the heat) turn over, it should be golden brown.
  2. Once the bottom is also golden brown transfer to a plate and serve.
  3. Eat warm with fruits, yogurt and honey or brown sugar as wished.


brioche pain perdu breakfast

brioche pain perdu breakfast