Picnic savoury real food!

Picnic savoury food can be a bit repetitive.  Do you need some ideas of savoury dishes for a picnic ? Others are already bringing the cheese and crackers, olives, dips….

Try these ones. They are rapid to make, hold well in the heat and are crowd pleasers. They also feed the troops!

The onion tart

onion tart

Here is a great opportunities to use these onions which have been lying in your basket for a while.  Actually, you may need a few extra ones.  The onion tart is great just out of the oven and great at room temperature.  It does not need to be kept in the fridge.  You will create a great impact for only a few dollars, perfect!   Jump to the recipe HERE.

Psst: Kids often love this tart too as onions can be quite sweet.

The pissalardiere

red onion tart

This is the southern France version of the above onion tart (which is more a norther France dish). Here you go! The seasoning is different.  You can use plain shortcrust pastry of puff pastry. A pissalardiere seasoning has anchovies, olives, herbs and optionally cheese as seasoning.

The tart in the photo is with red onions, which is not so frequent, you can use brown onions as well.

Homemade Paté

This is a must do! Homemade pate can be prepared in batches and placed in several containers then frozen for up to a couple of months.  The top layer is butter and prevents oxydation.  Chicken liver pate can have a strong taste, to soften this I add a little mince.  My favourite flavour is 3 peppers: red, green and black.  This requires to be done the day before at least.

Chicken liver pate

Chicken liver pate

An asian mushroom quiche

The irony is that  I have made this quiche a number of time now for picnics but do not have a great photo to share.  Imagine a quiche (loaded with parmesan or pecorino) with the mushrooms placed on top as a decorative outlay, a bit like trying to do a painting.  The recipe uses enoki mushrooms, white oyster mushroom, brown mushrooms and any other you wish to use.  I will do it soon and upload the full recipe.


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