Another school lunchbox bake!

Ricotta muffins

Here goes another school lunchbox bake.  This one is born out of last week storms. From Friday to Sunday, we had strong lightning storms at the end of the days, the storms were quite gusty too! As a result we lost power for a couple of days from Sunday.  Not just our house, but all of Scotland Island and the western foreshore actually (map here); a couple of trees brought lines down.

Back to my story, I had this block of beautiful ricotta in the fridge which on day two I realised was not going to last much longer.  What do you do with ricotta.  Ricotta pancake? Yum, but, no thank you that day.  Pasta ricotta bake? Yum, well, one of my daughter is not fan. I was also planning to bake a plain cake of some sort and divide into portions for the children’s lunch boxes.  Think a second, what do you like ricotta with? Orange, honey, rhubarb, figs, berries, nuts…all those end of summer, early autumn flavours.

And them these two muffins recipes were born:

Raspberry and ricotta muffin and Orange, honey, walnut and ricotta muffin. Really good and not dry at all (ricotta based cakes can be a little dry).

Honey walnut ricotta muffinsThe orange, honey, walnut and ricotta muffins

The cake of the week, a 4 minutes chocolate mousse cake

This is the cake of the week. I had been going through my list of recipes “to try”. I must have had this one for a few years!

In essence it is a chocolate cake.  What is great is the texture, light and soft. The taste is intense chocolate heaven! Ahah! It is very strong in chocolate warning. We had this cake over two dinners.  Try it, it will take 10 minutes to prepare and 4 to bake!

It is not a very tall cake (or use a smaller diameter tin than me, it was my smallest at 18 cm). The recipe is HERE.

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Pages Updates

I have updated the birthday cakes page and I am updating the lunchboxes page at the moment.  Keep browsing!